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Author: Ron Graham

Alphabetical Index

“Mosaic” to “Mythical”
—Alphabetical index M  <4>

Mosaic Age This Age and the Age to ComeThe New Testament sometimes compares or links “this age” with “the age to come”. It's important to discover what is meant by these terms.

Moses Adventures of MosesMoses is the link between the time of bondage in Egypt and the time of wandering in the wilderness. He is the one whom God raises up to lead the people to freedom and toward the promised land (Exodus 1-14).

Moses The ExodusFirst part of the wilderness wanderings: from the crossing of the Red Sea to the arrival at Sinai (Exodus 14-19).

Moses Facts About MosesA simple list of Bible facts about the prophet Moses of Old Testament fame.

Moses Introduction to GalatiansVarious items of background information that help to establish our study of the letter.

Moses, law of Josiah, Judah’s Good KingThe son and grandson of good king Hezekiah made Judah more idolatrous than the pagans who had previously occupied the land. Yet Hezekiah’s great grandson Josiah lived even more righteously than Hezekiah himself.

Moses, law of Did Jesus Preach the Law of Moses?Did Jesus preach the gospel or were his teachings an exposition of the Mosaic Law? Get this wrong and you won't understand the Bible.

Most Be a Do MosterAn encouragement to give the most that you can to God rather than the least required.

Mother Mother of Harlots (Revelation 17:1-18)An Exposition of Revelation 17. John sees an abominable woman, the Mother of Harlots, sitting on a scarlet beast. She signifies the great city that rules over the kings of the earth. Her name in the vision is Babylon. She is seen drunk with the blood of the saints.

Motivations The Spiritual MindThe spiritually minded have superior desires, attitudes, values, priorities, and motivations than do the fleshly minded.

Mount Sermon on the Mount SERIESAn interesting series based on Jesus’s sermon on the mount. It contains notes, activities, and a separate page of quizzes and puzzles after each lesson.

Mount Three Marvelous Mountains.Various mountains are mentioned in the Bible. In this lesson we consider three of them: Mount Ararat, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion. Well, it's not so much the mountains that we consider, but the marvelous events that took place on them. We especially consider three things in each event: salvation, a sacrifice, and a promise.

Mourn The BeatitudesThe poor in spirit and those who mourn; plus an outline of Matthew 5.

Multitude Love Covers a Multitude of SinsThis lesson tries to help us better understand Peter’s statement that love covers a multitude of sins.

Music Instrumental Music in WorshipDiscusses whether musical instruments (other than the human voice and heart) are allowable and desirable in Christian song worship. An exercise in applying scriptural authority.

Index for Music

Must What Must I Do? SERIESThese basic lessons on the steps into Christ, show everything that is essential for a person to do in becoming a Christian and being saved.

NoteMUSTARD: A small hard seed of certain Brassicas (the “cabbage family”). Some mustard varieties are perennial. In good conditions they can, although a herb, grow into a small tree (Matthew 13:31, Mark 4:30, Luke 13:19). Mustard seed (usually either white Sinapis alba or black Sinapis negra) is ground to make the pungent mustard paste, or cracked in a little hot oil to start a stir fry or curry.

Muzzle the ox Timeless Principles (Old Testament)The Old Testament scriptures are valuable to Christians because of the timeless principles that they teach and exemplify.

Myra Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Myra. Includes a map of the region.

Mysia Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Mysia. Includes a map of the region.

Mystery The Historical View of FaithSummarizes the development of a saving faith (namely a faith in Jesus) among all the peoples of earth down through the ages.

Mystery Inner BeingToday many people are seeing life as a spiritual Path and a Quest: a walk to higher ground transcending this temporal realm. We consider the needs of our inner being for that journey.

Mystery revealed The R in Glory ~ Jesus the RevealerThe PROCLAMATION of Jesus as the REVEALER who manifested God and preached the gospel of eternal life.

Myth Myth and Make Believe?It is a common belief that much of the Bible, especially the historical content, is myth and make-believe. But are the stories fact or fable? Some say the stories in the Bible are symbolic of spiritual realities and are therefore valid even if untrue in a literal sense.

NoteMYTHICAL: means imaginary, fictitious, invented. Mythology is the inventing and telling of stories that are not true in themselves but supposedly represent truth. A legend is based upon something or someone real, but mixed with make believe.


Webservant Ron Graham

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