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Author: Ron Graham


Blessed Assurance
—Foundations of faith and hope

A series of reassuring lessons on the surety of our forgiveness and salvation, helping us to have hope and be confident in Christ rather than self or science.. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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Sure of Salvation Can we be sure of salvation? The Bible gives the clearest promise, fairest conditions, and strongest confirmation possible.

Though You Have Not Seen HimWere time machines possible, we could go see Jesus. Though faith in Jesus, we will see him in the future with great joy.

He Is Risen! It is good news for every day that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and arose on the third day according to the scriptures. Page includes a list of the recorded appearances of the risen Christ.

Seven Wonders of the Holy SpiritThe indwelling, renewing, outpouring, annointing, leading, seal, and intercession of the Holy Spirit.

Is the Holy Spirit an Impersonal Force?Discusses the Personhood of the Holy Spirit showing his attributes of personality.

Seven PowersBible lesson on seven powers to which all human beings may gain access in the new age.

God's Presence (The Holy Spirit)God in us and we in God - a chart lesson showing the Christian's relationship with God.

Seven Precious PromisesGod has granted us very great and precious promises (2Peter 1:4). In this lesson, we list seven of these promises from God to you.

Christ in You the Hope of Glory [1]Our Place in the Family of God. First of the three glorious privileges that our association with Jesus Christ bestows upon us to give substance and assurance to our hope.

Christ in You the Hope of Glory [2]The power God has put in us. The second of three glorious privileges we have in Christ.

Christ in You the Hope of Glory [3]Our Progress Towards Life's Goal. The third of three glorious privileges we have in Christ.

Saved in Three TensesThere are, so to speak, three tenses of salvation: we have been saved, we are being saved, and we shall be saved.

Storm on GalileeA lesson from the account of Jesus calming the storm on lake Galilee (Mark 4:35-41).

Jesus Calms the Storm.When Jesus calmed the storm on lake Galilee, he showed us some important facts about himself (Mark 4:35-41).

Foundations of AssuranceExplores some of the issues concerning our assurance of being saved. Can we be certain, and what will make us so?

One Hope of Heaven (The 144,000)Examines the question of whether there are two groups of saved with two different hopes. Discusses the 144000.

Face to FaceTime's inexorable march sweeps us day by day, year by year, into the future. But somewhere in that future you will surely meet Jesus face to face.

A Hope Well FoundedA lesson about the solid foundation stones of our heavenly hope in Christ.

Daniel's HopeThis study outline looks at what Daniel wrote in Daniel 12:1-3. We see some of the elements that gave Daniel courage and hope.

Grateful for GraceGod saw our need of salvation and in his great love he offers it to us as a gift. How should we respond?

A Mansion for YouA study from John 14:1-6 about the promise of Heaven.

From Out of the DustAn inspirational lesson connecting the creation of Adam and Eve, the birth of Jesus Christ, and our own seemingly insignificant lives.

Encouraging Bible VersesThe Bible is very encouraging for human beings who often feel downtrodden and hopeless. Here are twelve Bible verses of deep and meaningful encouragement with brief comment on each verse

A Time for GiftsThere are special times when people give gifts to each other to show their love. God also has a time for gifts and he wonderfully blesses humankind.

How Satan Attacks BelieversSatan employs various strategies to attack our faith and assurance in God. However, God always helps us to survive these attacks with our faith strengthened rather than destroyed. In this lesson we consider three of Satan’s strategies.

New Year and Still HereNew year’s day in 2013 (or any other year) can begin a truly happy new year for you, because the world is still here, there is still hope, and Jesus still calls.

Faith and Science

Believing in Creation (Hebrews 11:3)Did the universe come from nothing? Did the universe have a beginning or is it eternal? Did mind create the universe, or did the universe produce mind? These are questions that faith answers, because faith is able to investigate things that are beyond science.

Seven Questions Scientists Cannot AnswerScientists do not yet know the answers to these seven simple questions. Therefore no scientist can rationally take the position that there is no God.

AI is Not God, God is Not AISome people think that there is no God at present, but that Artificial Intelligence will one day take on the role of God. That god will be a god we can believe in and so do away with atheism.

Is Belief in a Flat Earth Biblical?Some atheists say the Bible is a "flat earth book". They say this to discredit the Bible. But many professing Christians are also insisting that the Bible teaches a "flat earth cosmology". They say this to discredit modern science! The result is an undermining of people's assurance that the Bible is God’s word.

Are There Aliens on Earth?Popular science often asks the question, Are we alone? Many believe that extraterrestrial beings leave another world, visit Earth, and even live among us. Is this true according to the Bible? If so, do these aliens give us assurance of our salvation from Earth's destruction?

Is Mars for Man?Man visited the moon last century and came back home. Well now, in this 21st century, greater plans are afoot. Some people of earth wish to migrate to Mars to build a city there. The project has already begun. But does God approve?

Faith and Science - 3 IssuesWe consider Science and Faith, addressing three issues that relate to faith and science. They are: Evidence, Essence, and Enemies.


Webservant Ron Graham

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