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Author: Ron Graham

Book of Revelation

The Black Horse
—Revelation 6:5-6

Times of Tribulation (Revelation 6-11) >Seven Seals >3rd seal >The Black Horse

We now look at the third horse and its rider among “the four horses of the apocalypse”. This is the black horse whose rider is carring weighing scales.

  • The Lamb Opens the third seal. The third living creature calls to John, “Come!”. John sees the third horseman on a black horse carrying a pair of scales with which to merchandise.

1 Third Creature Speaks

The third creature had a face like a man (Revelation 4:7). This symbolises that Jesus was a human being, "the Son of Man". A significant feature of Jesus’s life on earth was that he lived lowly without earthly wealth (Matthew 8:20).

2 Third Rider —on Black Horse

The rider with the scales represents commerce and the economic system with all of its problems such as corruption, poverty, debt, inflation, boom and bust, unemployment, financial loss, etc.

The scene in the vision represents economic calamity by the voice of a merchant selling small amounts of grain for a denarius (a day's wage), and witholding oil and wine from sale. Economic crisis is another tribulation common throughout human history, and will continue for the entire gospel age until Jesus comes.

3 Christians and the Economic System

The following scripture chain will show how Christians should consider the love of money and how they should fit into the world of commerce and react to financial troubles...

Proverbs 11:1, 1Timothy 3:3, 1Timothy 6:9-10, Matthew 6:19-21, Philippians 4:11, Romans 13:8, Ephesians 1:18, Romans 8:16-18.

What those verses say...

God has always been concerned that commerce and national economies should be honest and just. On every level, from the merchant in his shop, to the government and its treasurer, God sees corruption as an abomination. But when the scales are honest, God is pleased.

As Christians, we should not be greedy for money, for people who desire to be rich fall into a trap. Their foolish lusts could drown them in perdition. The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil. Life is not about laying up treasures on earth, but rather treasures in heaven.

We must learn contentment, in whatever state we are. We should avoid running up debts. Just as the third horse is black, so should our balance sheets be kept “in the black”.

Looking at the big picture, in the world economy there is often a black outlook, and the economy not something to trust. Trust rather in the glorious riches of God which are your eternal inheritance if you faithfully follow Christ.

The black horse represents the treasures of this world. If there were a horse to represent heavenly treasures, it would be coloured dazzling gold.


Webservant Ron Graham

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