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Author: Ron Graham

History of IsraelTimes of Israel series

David’s Sin and Sorrow
—and Nathan’s rebuke

Time ~ 5. Kingdom of David
Span ~ 120 years
Books ~ 2Samuel, 1Kings, 1Chronicles, Poetry
Figures ~ Saul, David, Solomon
Begins with ~ The people of Israel seek a king

Our study continues to follow more of David's adventures, after he became king. However there is a great deal of sadness in this story, mainly as a result of the sin David committed with Basheba, the beautiful wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of David's faithful soldiers.

1 Nathan Condemns David

"Why have you despised the commandment of the LORD? Now the sword shall never depart from your house" (2Samuel 12:7-14) That is what Nathan said to David after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband killed.

Bathsheba gave birth to David's son, but the baby died in spite of David's pleading with God. From this point on, David suffered many trials at the hands of his enemies —including enemies within the kingdom.

David knew better, and was capable of better. In the mercy and love he shows various people in these stories, and in his psalms which are inserted into the narrative, we can perceive the good and godly heart of David.

However, sometimes David allowed himself to be tempted by the power he held. He was drawn away by his own lust, to enter into what he knew was sin.

2 The Main Point

Behind this story is the weak side of David who allowed his lust to lead him into a despicable injustice. For this David suffered terrible consequences, even though his sin was forgiven. David's sorrow is expressed in Psalm 51. The lesson is that even though our sins are forgiven, we may have to live with their nasty effects for many years afterward.

3 Bible Summary (2Samuel 11-24)

4 David Numbers Israel

People become fascinated with numbers. The experience of Gideon (Judges 7) should have convinced God’s people that large numbers can be a disadvantage. God reduced Gideon’s army from over 30,000 to a mere 300. God did this to demonstrate that he gives victory to his people; they do not win it by their own power. But David wanted to know the numbers to make him feel powerful, so he demanded a census (2Samuel 24). He did not simply trust God. Thus David offended God and punishment ensued. There's nothing inherently wrong with counting numbers, but sometimes it can be an exercise in pride —and that is wrong.

5 Who's Who

In these stories, there is a confusing array of people. Here are some of the names and their connections.


Webservant Ron Graham

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