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Author: Ron Graham

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—Selected Lessons

This selection of lessons is about prophecy and how to interpret it. The writings of the Old Testament prophets testified of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself made that claim (John 5:39,46).

The Revelation of Jesus ChristIn the book of Revelation Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, shows himself to be God just like his Father.

Spiritualizing ProphecyA lesson answering common criticisms about spiritualizing prophecy. Explains what it means to spiritualize prophecy. God’s rainbow promise is a paradigm or pattern. We use it in this lesson as an example.

Dividing Past and FutureIn rightly dividing the word of truth, we must know what is past and what is future in the Bible. The cross of Christ is the main divider of time in the Bible.

Newspaper BibleThe premillennial view of end times relies on interpreting Bible prophecy as though it reads like, and foretells, what we read today in our newspapers and hear and see on our newscasts.

The Prophecy ClockWere prophecies about the restoration of Israel fulfilled by Messiah at his first coming, or has their fulfillment been postponed until his second coming?

The Destruction of JerusalemThis lesson brings us to the last of the twelve Times of Israel, and concentrates on Matthew 24.

Prophecies of DanielIn visions, Daniel foresaw the entire period from the Babylonian captivity until the Messiah came and established his kingdom throughout the world. God knew the future, and he would ensure that his plan unfolded over the centuries just as he willed.

Daniel's Seventy WeeksThis study discusses the seventy weeks and the decrees to rebuild Jerusalem.

Messianic PropheciesThe Old Testament is valuable to Christians because its Messianic prophecies underpin the New Testament writings.

Prophecies Fulfilled by JesusThis page is a comprehensive reference on Old Testament Messianic prophecies.

The Last DaysA list of lessons about the Last Days, including a link to the series of that title.


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